How to read codes on Porsche 964 without a 9268 tool
It is possible to read fault codes on the Porsche 964 with the use of a diagnostic tool.
This method only works on cars that have a check engine light.
1. With the engine off turn the ignition switch to the "ON" Position.
2. Press the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor for 3-5 seconds.
3. Wait for the "Check Engine" light to flash, then release the accelerator pedal.
The car's computer will begin to flash the "Check Engine" light.
Count the number of flashes between and notice the pause between flashes.

In this case code 24 is the "Oxygen Sensor"
How to clear codes
1. With the engine off turn the ignition switch to the "ON" Position.
2. Press the accelerator pedal all the way to the floor for 11 seconds.
Porsche 964 Fault Codes
- 11 Supply voltage
- 12 Idle speed contact ground short
- 13 Full load contact
- 14 Engine temperature sensor 2
- 15 Idle speed contact break
- 21 Air flow sensor
- 22 Idle speed control activation
- 23 Oxygen regulation stop
- 24 Oxygen sensor snsor signal
- 25 Intake air temperature sensor
- 31 Knock sensor 1
- 32 Knock sensor 2
- 33 Control unit faulty
- 34 Hall signal
- 41 Control unit faulty
- 43 Tank venting valve
- 44 Resonance plate
- 45 Check engine warning lamp
- 51 Injection valve cylinder 1
- 52 Injection valve cylinder 2
- 53 Injection valve cylinder 3
- 54 Injection valve cylinder 4
- 55 Injection valve cylinder 5
- 56 Injection valve cylinder 6