This page contains a list of projects that are currently under development or that we plan to add to the program. If there is a feature you would like to have and do not see it on this page please let us know.
This list is in no particular order and features will be added based on our own development schedule.
This list is not a guarantee that we will add these features.
Control modules to add to the software for basic read and clear codes.
- 2008 Cayenne SDI 4 DME -Completed and available in Durametric 6.0
- 2009 997, Boxster, Cayman SDI 3 DME -Completed and available in Durametric 6.0
- 964/993 Alarm System -Completed
- Clear fault codes on 9x6 alarm -Completed and available in Durametric 6.0
- Steering angle sensor calibration on ABS 5.3/5.7 -Completed and available in Durametric 6.0
- Enable On Board Computer (OBC) on Boxster/996 -Completed and available in Durametric 6.0
- 996 Convertible top calibration -Completed and available in Durametric 6.0
- 964 Idle speed adaptation